Call 800-871-0102 Toll Free Fax 877-277-9740 24 hours a day.

We thrive on building a healthy community for all individuals.

Applegate HomeCare & Hospice is family-owned and has improved the quality of life for thousands of patients for over 30 years. Every day we provide truly compassionate care and service to our patients and their families.
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Utah Locations
Covering Northern Utah, the Wasatch Front, And Southern Utah.
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200 +
Local Partners
We work with hospitals, physicians, skilled nursing facilities, and Assisted Living Facilities
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120 +
Highly Qualified Staff
Our staff are expertly trained to bring the highest quality of care.

Health Care Services

Applegate Homecare & Hospice offers a full range of in-home services, including assistance with bathing, rehabilitation from illness or surgery, and end-of-life comfort care.